The Welcome Club of Northern Virginia was organized in 1960 under the name of The Welcome Wagon of Vienna/Oakton. Over the years thousands of Members have come and gone, and the Club has taken many different shapes and forms during this time. In March 2001  the association with the Welcome Wagon organization was ended. The name was changed to the Welcome Club of Northern Virginia, and new bylaws were ratified to reflect the 21st century direction and scope of the Club. Our member activities are primarily scheduled from September through May, with a few Special Interest Groups meeting during the summer months.


So we have a long history of joining together in friendship to learn, create, contribute to our community and participate in activities that bring us joy as well as a sense of accomplishment.  There are many ways to become active in the Club, and we encourage everyone to share their talents, whatever they may be, as we have many avenues for involvement. A wide variety of interesting social activities are available every month thanks to the efforts of our Special Interest Chairpersons.


The objective of this Club is to aid in the development of friendship among new or long-time residents and to participate in civic and social activities. Membership is open to anyone interested in making new friends in the community, participating in Club activities, and abiding by the rules and regulations of the Club. Membership dues are nominal and are used to support the various social and civic activities of the Club.


The Club offers many activities, each organized by a Committee Chairperson. Here are a few highlights of some of our current groups. Some of them meet over the summer months. Please visit the Special Interest Groups Page for a complete list of the groups which include... Ladies who enjoy card playing will find several bridge groups and two canasta groups. American and Chinese Mah Jongg groups both meet twice a month. There is a group that  that plays Mexican Train. Our "Ladies Night Out" group is organized to visit restaurants or other food venues usually monthly. We have ladies who enjoy "Fun Walks" where they visit various parks and trails in our area which are so pleasant to walk in and enjoy nature. We have an active group of women who play golf which is strictly social - no contests - just fun!  Two book review and discussion groups, one of which focuses on mystery books! We have two wine groups, a daytime group and an evening group.  Our Tea Time group holds teas in member's homes and also visits local tea rooms all over Northern Virginia. We have a Travel Group with meetings in member's homes to share experiences with travel adventures and information on best travel venues.


The Club also has a strong philanthropic presence, donating monies and gift in kind to a variety of charitable organizations each year. Organizations include The Women's Center with locations in D.C. and Northern Virginia, Women Giving Back which helps women and children in crisis by distributing clothing at no cost. Last  year's Civic Program Schedule included donations of monies, clothing and volunteering for the following organizations: Autisim Community Alliance, The Lorton Community Action Center, Northern Virginia Family Services, Cornerstones Free From Hunger Center and Food For Others. A Community Volunteer Coordinator position was initiated in the Club year 2022-2023 and the Civic Group has grown to facilitate increased endeavors in this important area.


A Club Newsletter is published monthly which includes a Message from The President of the Club, the Monthly Program Meeting informaion and Schedule, news about New Members and Members celebrating birthdays, and detailed information regarding scheduled activities for the month. 


The Calendar Page shows a calendar of the scheduled events for each month for quick reference and a great overview of the variety of activities for any given month.